Free School Meals, Bursaries and Grants
Our aim is to make the Schools of King Edward VI in Birmingham as open as possible to all children. We know that parents worry about the cost of sending their child to school, and we want to take that worry away. If your child is currently eligible, a free school meal will be provided. For any child offered a place at one of our schools who is eligible for pupil premium (i.e. who has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years) we will provide:
- Confidentiality - about financial arrangements with regard to your child. Assistance is given automatically with the minimum of fuss so that no family can be identified as receiving support. Each school has someone you can talk to privately about any financial concerns.
- A free travel pass – via Network West Midlands to get your child to and from school.
- A grant of £100 per year – for compulsory school uniform.
- A grant of £50 per year – for basic school sports kit (e.g. vests, shorts). Specialist sports equipment will be provided if your child is chosen to represent the School.
- Free essential equipment for lessons – including free laboratory coats for science and aprons for design technology including work with materials.
- Free essential school trips – which are part of your child’s education will be free, e.g. trips to theatres, museums and field trips which form part of teaching subjects in the curriculum. This does not apply to extra-curricular trips (e.g. foreign, etc.)
- One free residential trip in the UK – this will happen once, usually early in your child’s school career, and will help develop independence and friendship.
- Free lessons to learn to play a musical instrument – musical instruments can usually be loaned to your child free of charge for these lessons; funding would not be generally available to purchase an instrument for your child.
To register for free school meals or claim any grants, please contact the Finance Officer at School.
There are a number of small trusts that allow us to support girls in unusual or needy circumstances. A parent who feels that she/he needs to call on a trust fund should approach the Headteacher in confidence.
For students who live in the ancient parish of Yardley, and whose parents receive free school meals, additional sums may be available on application to the Yardley Trust.
PPR Uniform & Bus Pass Claim Form
Sixth Form Bursary Fund
The school provides financial help for eligible students to support their education in two ways:
Defined Vulnerable Groups Bursary
Eligible students receive up to £1,200 per year, paid termly directly to the student.
Eligible students are:
- in care
- care leavers
- receiving Income Support (IS) or Universal Credit (UC) because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner
- receiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP) in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or UC in their own right
16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund
Students eligible for free school meals are entitled to claim from their bursary amount for educational items such as:
- school uniform (up to £100),
- public transport to/from school,
- musical instrument lessons in school,
- educational trips organised by the school,
- exam remarks and resist fees,
- university interview travel costs,
- books, stationery and equipment.
Bursary amounts vary from year to year, but are normally in the region of £750.
Students who are not eligible to claim for free school meals, but have been eligible at any point in the last six years, are able to claim up to £200 per year for specific educational purposes as above.
16-19 Discretionary Bursary Fund Application Form
16-19 Discretionary Bursary Claim Form