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Physical Education

Curriculum Intent & Rationale

The Physical Education Department develops the self-esteem, dignity and respect of all members of the school community. Physical Education is crucial to pupil development; it can contribute to spiritual, moral, cultural and most importantly physical development.

At King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls sport plays an integral part of school life and personal development for many students. School sport promotes lifelong participation in exercise alongside skills in leadership, teamwork and commitment. We aim for students to achieve personal goals whether they are elite performance or just the enjoyment of participation. With a broad range of both curriculum and extra-curricular activities available to pupils, there are many opportunities for girls to get involved in sport, develop talents and fulfil their potential.

Physical Education attempts to contribute to the general education of the individual through physical activity by providing a balanced curriculum which is concerned with the development of body management and physical skills, allowing opportunities for expressive movement and encouraging a positive attitude to health and fitness. The curriculum should be both enjoyable and challenging and should afford pupils the opportunity to develop personal and social skills and also self-esteem.

This is achieved through planned and suitably structured programmes of study which develop performance alongside planning and evaluating skills, as well as those of social values involved with working with others. In this way pupils develop an understanding and appreciation of physical activity including their own capabilities and limitations as well as those of others.

The Physical Education Department programme should be broad and balanced offering equal access to all areas of experience from games, gymnastics, swimming, dance, health and fitness and athletics. These programmes need to be differentiated to meet the needs of those physically gifted as well as those who have physical remedial problems. Equal access should exist.

The Physical Education programme (Key Stage 3 and 4) should be progressive so that during the latter years, whilst developing skill acquisition in greater depth, it should encourage greater participation in full game situations, performance groups and social sports as well as being concerned with education for leisure.

Our aim as PE teachers is to inspire and encourage children of all abilities to participate in all aspects of PE. The opportunity for taking part in extracurricular activities is made available to develop and encourage sound social and moral attitudes such as “fair play”, sportsmanship and team spirit.

Implementing Our Curriculum

Key Stage 3

In years seven to nine pupils follow a broad and balanced programme participating in gymnastics, dance, athletics, netball, handball, rounders, swimming, and Health Related Fitness.

Pupils in years 7 receive six Physical Education lessons per fortnight; 1 per week is swimming or movement activity such as gymnastics/dance/fitness, a two-hour double for a games afternoon once a fortnight, as well as 2 hours a fortnight per week as a form class in core PE.

In year 8, pupils receive six Physical Education lessons per fortnight; 1 per week is swimming or a movement activity such as gymnastics/dance/fitness each of one hour, a two hour games double lesson per fortnight, plus 1 hour as a form class per week in core PE.

In year 9 pupils receive one lesson as a form class in core PE, plus one double lesson per fortnight.

The KS3 curriculum includes netball, handball, gymnastics, swimming, dance, fitness, athletics, rounders & tennis. Through these activities, students develop communication and leadership skills.

Key Stage 4

GCSE Physical Education (AQA Course code: 8582) is an option for students in Key Stage 4, which is covered in five lessons per fortnight. Topics include;  Applied anatomy and physiology, Movement analysis, Physical Training, Use of data, Health, fitness and well being, Sport psychology, and Socio-cultural influences. For the practical assessment, students are required to offer three activities - one team sport, one individual sport, plus either a team or individual sport.

Additionally students In year 10 & 11 have one core PE lesson per week, covering activities such as; netball, athletics, HRF, rounders, volleyball/badminton and tennis.

Options Information

Key Stage 5

In year 13 pupils have the opportunity to participate in Physical Recreation on a Wednesday afternoon.

Procedure to Follow if Excused from Lessons

Parents/carers must email to inform the staff of the reason a student is to be excused from lesson.

Students are still expected to change into their PE kit and will take on a leadership/coaching role within the lesson.

If the student is excused for a prolonged period of time, then the PE staff will request a medical note.

House Sport

The inter-house sports competition has a central role within the school. It incorporates netball, handball, dance, rounders, tennis and athletics which are fully-inclusive across all students in all age groups and provides a very important level of competitive and representative experience.

All competitions take place in curriculum time. The structure applies across all age groups and pupils are split into six houses: Cartland, Lichfield, Meriden, Priory, Stratford and Warwick.

We conclude the house sporting calendar with a traditional sports day involving a number of athletics events.


The PE department provide a full, extensive range of extra-curricular activities available to all pupils in school. Emphasis is put on participation in activities; clubs are available to all girls as well as those who would like to compete.

Activities offered include netball, handball, a range of dance styles, yoga, tennis, badminton, fitness, cross-country, rounders, athletics and swimming.

Sport for all ... and for life

Curriculum Maps

Within each Key Stage the skills and experiences in physical activity build across a broad and balanced curriculum map.


Approved Programme Centre

Your:Time is an inspirational programme designed to encourage girls in schools to participate in competitive sport and sports leadership opportunities. We are looking forward to our leaders taking part in this great opportunity and offering sporting opportunities to other students.